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YF168 Semi-auto Concrete roof tile machine
Category: [Tile making machinery]

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Product Introduction:

YF168-3 Semi-auto Concrete roof tile machine is our hot sale model, it is perfect for small and medium budget tile plant .

YF168-3 semi-automatic tile machine set (including a semi-automatic tile forming machine, automatic bucket feeder, automatic dosing machine, ridge machine, semi-automatic control cabinet )

Technical Parameters:

Main tile press machine power 0.55 Kw

Capacity: YF168-3 : 2000 pieces per shift .

                  YF168-2 :1000 to 1200 pieces per shift .


Technical Parameters:

Main tile press machine power 0.55 Kw

Capacity: YF168-3 : 2000 pieces per shift .

                  YF168-2 :1000 to 1200 pieces per shift .

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3  0086 18638712391  2 kai@zzyfmc.com

© Copyright 2024 Zhengzhou Yingfeng Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Address: Block 5,South Longhai Road and East Tongbai Road,Zhongyuan District,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,China